Over the Summer, on a beautiful weekend morning, I had a brilliant thought. I thought 15 minutes, what does it really mean in the course of the day? Is it too much time or just enough time? I suppose it depends on if you're a glass half full or empty type of person.
Too frequently, I find myself rushing around and never sitting still, always thinking about something or listing; just trying to manage my time. At work, I do this on my coffee break. I grab a cup of coffee and I sit at my desk researching ideas for den meetings, pinning cute holiday crafts on Pinterest, making lists, planning dinner {in my head} and when I take a sip of my coffee - it's cold. My break is over, my coffee's cold and for what? To make a list of more things for myself to do???
And so, I have instituted DCWH. And for those of you that can't read my mind, that translates to Drink Coffee {or beverage of your choice} While it's Hot. As simple as it seems, I dare you to try it. There are some guidelines that help you reach the bottom of your cup while the beverage is still hot. Here they are:
2. No Screens! "Gasp" I know, I know, but you can do! This is the most crucial step. Back away from the desktop, close the laptop, tuck the phone away and yes, the tablets too. Honestly, you can't even have a book or a magazine. They can suck you in too and then you're coffee will be cold and you will have failed.
That's it. Just two things - Comfortable Seat & No distractions. Go ahead and try it, it's freakin' wonderful!!!
Oh, and because I a geek, I'll just add that 15 minutes is less than 3% of your day, but it is worth so much more when you take those minutes for yourself!
So go ahead try it! What are you waiting for?
So go ahead try it! What are you waiting for?
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