Sunday, December 2, 2012

Merry Birthday & Happy Christmas!!!

December is my month to shine!  So, the whole reason that I created this blog was that I’m a super over-scheduled nut who can’t say, “no” and I am always racing around to get things done and usually at the last minute.  That's my calling card - Lastminutemama!

Yes, that was me on November 30th close to midnight, burning my fingers on the glue gun, slicing up glittery paper and squeezing warm chocolate into little Christmas trees molds & topping them with sprinkles.  And, yes, I was scribbling seasonal delights on tiny tags so that the boys would have something to look forward to as we counted down to Christmas. Ahh, the Advent Calender is done…just the nick of time.  Ok, truth be told, I finished writing out the tags the next night because I had run out of ideas and needed to call in for back up.  My mom came up with, "write letters to soldiers, drop food off at an animal shelter and a few other good ones."

Really, it’s the story of my life, racing around and I wouldn’t have it any other way.  I’m destined to be that way, in fact.  I remember just a little over 10 years ago, I was sitting in a deck chair at a family cookout when someone’s aunt, aunt-in-law, no relationship to me, asked when I was due.  When I told her December 25th, she replied that I had ruined my child’s life and his or her birthday would always be over-shadowed by Christmas and he’d receive joint presents. 

Umm, thank you?  Maybe next you'd like to just say, "Congratutions."  ...I wish I had said that!

Well, he does receive joint presents…very often, but they are not joint Birthday/Christmas presents.  They are joint Birthday/Birthday presents and joint Christmas/Christmas presents with his brother.  Somehow, I managed to ruin his life too and gave him a December birthday as well.

What that crotchety old lady didn’t know is that I am a master juggler, creative craftster and we rock the Birthday-Christmas month of December. Although the boys due dates were Dec 25 & 24th, I did manage to pop them out on the 15th & 10th.  So, I didn’t totally ruin their lives! Ha, take that! 

If you ask them when their birthdays are, they will tell you on Christmas!  Being “Christmas Babies” is something that they take very seriously.  Wearing a Santa hat on a beautiful fall day while we enjoyed an Art Stroll – it’s been done.   Sleeping with the red stocking cap on in summer – Yup!  It’s a year round phenomenon. And so when December rolls around, we turn it up a notch.  The 12th month is all for them and we celebrate like nobody's business the whole time through with cookie making, tree lightings, movie marathons, shopping for Toys for Tots, seeing the Christmas lights, decorating our home, taking a trip to Edaville and on and on.   I do remember worrying in the beginning that we'd have to keep their birthdays separate from Christmas and for a while we would never pick out a tree until after the 15th, but really we just needed the boys to guide us and let us know how they wanted December to be One-Big-Crazy-Hoopla of fun! 

And so Merry Birthday and a Happy Christmas to my boys!!!


  1. This is awesome've out done yourself yet again!!! <3

  2. Thank you so much! Just having a little fun!
