Monday, April 8, 2013

Pom-poms & Tape; Solver of Life's Little Problems.

I'm sure that not many people would see these two things and think, "Ah, ha, that's it.  That'll do the trick!"

Well, I've done it.  I've solved the stinkin' alarm clock trouble that I've been having.  Well...not entirely, I mean it still makes that annoying noise that wakes me up at 6am, but I solved the damn sleep button problem.

Now,  why anyone would actually need the sleep button is a mystery to me.  I mean, if you are going to be shutting off the alarm clock, as in suppressing that wonderful feature we call snooze, then you should be cognizant enough to reach to the side of the clock and slide the switch.  If you cannot reach the side of the alarm clock to shut the clock off,  then you have no business actually pressing the sleep button.  You, my friend, are still too sleepy and need another snooze.  Hence, the fact that there is no need for the sleep button.  The pressing of the round button on top should be reserved for shutting up the damn squawking box so that you can sleep for another 7 or 8 more minutes.  Am I right?  The trouble is that I am so sleepy and out of it {isn't that how you should feel after being asleep for 7- 8 hours?  Maybe I'm doing it wrong??} that I can't figure out which stupid circle shaped button is sleep and which one is snooze.  One is slightly larger than the other, but even if I can decipher which one is bigger, it's not like I can remember if the big one is for sleep or snooze.   I mean seriously, I can barely remember what day of the week it is, let along big button - small button symbolization!  Sheesh!

I can't even tell you how many times I've hit the sleep button instead of the glorious snooze button because I can count that high!  The extra sleep is wonderful, I won't deny that, but when I do wake up, I'm like a fireman down the pole except I don't have my clothes all neatly waiting for me, boots for my feet to jump into.  Oh, no, because it's not as if I planned to have a negative amount of time to get dressed and out the door.   It is usually a mad scramble to get ready...who says you can't brush your teeth and hair at the same time?  Of course, you need to make sure to keep the right brush is in the right place.  Toothpaste in the hair is really a mess to clean up when you're already late.

Now, I realize that I'm not going to change the alarm clock industry.  I thought about a petition to have the sleep button removed.  Maybe a March on Washington or a Facebook Campaign against the sleep button, but I'll be honest - I'm just too lazy.  So, I took matters into my own hands since I can't find the snooze button when I'm half asleep.  That's right.  I solved my own problem.   I saw the vase filled with pom-poms that Braeden sometimes takes to bed with him - Don't ask - I don't know why.  Then I grabbed a roll of tape  and taped a pom-pom to the snooze button.  Oh yeah, I did!  I'm crazy like that!

Now, if I could only limit the snooze button hitting, I might actually make it to work on time.  Baby steps people, baby steps...


  1. Excellent work!

    My alarm clock has no snooze button. He is 11. And loud. On April Fool's Day he thought it would be GREAT to wake us all at 430 am by singing LOUDLY, and then going back to bed. (I'm honestly surprised he's still alive 8 days later)

    That said, we are all totally toast if he gets sick and sleeps all day.

  2. I never thought to have my oldest wake me up...he is up most mornings before me! I just can't risk it though!
